Firefighters urge Victorians to report car fires

Wednesday 27 January 2021 at 2:32 am


Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) is calling for vigilance after attending several suspicious car fires in Victoria over the past six months.

Deputy Commissioner Fire Safety Michelle Young said that firefighters responded to many recent incidents where cars were found alight in grasslands, sparking concerns a dangerous grassfire could start.

“Car fires in scrub and grasslands can and do easily turn into dangerous grassfires, which is a serious threat to nearby residents and their homes,” Deputy Commissioner Young said.

“Many properties on the urban fringe are located close to grasslands, particularly the newer estates.

“This, combined with the increased chance of grassfires this season, means car fires on the urban fringe could quickly become a tragedy.

“In addition to the threat they pose to the community, these incidents also put responding firefighters at risk,” Deputy Commissioner Young said.

Deputy Commissioner Young urged Victorians to call Triple Zero (000) or Crime Stoppers if they saw or knew of anyone setting fire to cars.

“If there is a fire near you, call Triple Zero (000) immediately,” Deputy Commissioner Young said.

“An anonymous tip to Crime Stoppers can also help the emergency services prevent these incidents in the first place.

“I also urge anyone engaging in this type of behaviour to understand the potential consequences of these actions, and to think again,” Deputy Commissioner Young said.

Grassfires pose a significant risk to Victorians this summer, with above-average rainfall in Spring resulting in prolific grass growth across the state.

If you live next to grasslands and a fire breaks out, walk – don’t drive – at least two streets back. Residents who live more than two streets away from a grassfire should stay at home, close windows and doors and place towels around windows sills and door gaps, with
air conditioners turned off.

Learn more about how to prepare for grassfires and what to do in the event of one here:
