FRV's Strategic Plan 2022 – 2032 sets the strategic direction for our organisation, and shares our vision, opportunities, priorities, actions and measures for the next ten years.
The Strategic Plan supports FRVs commitment to providing a modern, professional and inclusive fire and rescue service that meets the needs of our evolving communities and environment.
FRV Strategic Plan 2022 - 2023(opens in a new window)PDF 2.76 MBPlease find FRV's Gifts Benefits and Hospitality Policy below.
This policy states FRV’s position on:
- responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality; and
- providing gifts, benefits and hospitality.
The policy is intended to support individuals and FRV to avoid conflicts of interest and maintain high levels of integrity and public trust.
FRV has issued this policy to support behavior consistent with the Code of Conduct for Victorian Public Sector Employees.
FRV Gifts Benefits and Hospitality Policy(opens in a new window)PDF 287.87 KBFRV’s Gifts Benefits and Hospitality Register is published for the 2023-24 and 2022-23 financial years.
Gifts, benefits and hospitality register 2023-2024(opens in a new window)PDF 30.27 KBGifts, benefits and hospitality register 2022-2023(opens in a new window)PDF 48.88 KB- FRV Annual Report 2023-24(opens in a new window)PDF 5.88 MBFRV Annual Report 2022-23(opens in a new window)PDF 6.72 MBFRV Annual Report 2021-22(opens in a new window)PDF 8.88 MB
*Amended Annual Report 2021-22 uploaded on the 22nd May 2023
FRV Annual Report 2020-21(opens in a new window)PDF 7.43 MBFire Rescue Victoria was established on 1 July 2020. Previous Annual Reports for other government bodies and authorities are available via
If you require this document in an alternate format for accessibility purposes (for example, large print, easy read, audio, and so on.) please email
From the date of its establishment on 1 July 2020, Fire Rescue Victoria is the successor in law to the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board (MFB) (under section 99 of the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958).
Therefore, MFB’s Annual Reports for previous years are published here.
MFB Annual Report 2019-2020(opens in a new window)PDF 8.75 MBMFB Annual Report 2018-2019 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 4.75 MBMFB Annual Report 2017-2018 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 5.5 MBMFB Annual Report 2016-2017 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 4.01 MBMFB Annual Report 2015-2016 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 2.83 MBMFB Erratrum 2015-2016 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 80.55 KBMFB Annual Report 2014-2015 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 7.62 MBMFB Annual Report 2013-2014 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 3.39 MBMFB Annual Report 2012-2013 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 2.77 MBMFB Annual Report 2011-2012 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 2.25 MBMFB Annual Report 2010-2011 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 4.52 MBMFB Annual Report 2009-2010 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 2.35 MB