Mitcham classroom blaze under control

Tuesday 12 April 2022 at 9:10 pm

Nearly 40 firefighters responded to a fire in Mitcham just after midnight after a call to Triple Zero (000).

FRV crews arrived in just four minutes to the Whitehorse Road scene to find a portable timber classroom ablaze, threatening a nearby factory.

Wearing breathing apparatus, firefighters from FRV and CFA attacked the flames and worked quickly to protect the factory with water hose lines before turning their attack on to the classroom.

A Teleboom aerial appliance was also used as a water tower and the fire was declared under control at 01:09hrs

Crews are remaining on scene to ensure the fire is fully extinguished.

The cause of the incident has not been determined with FRV’s Fire Investigators attending the scene in the morning.

Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria also attended the scene.
