Statement from the Fire Rescue Commissioner regarding recent media reports on fire service reform

Thursday 25 March 2021 at 6:31 am

I would like to address inaccuracies in recent media reports regarding fire service reform in Victoria. 
FRV supports the CFA with seconded officers to assist volunteers and provide seamless service delivery across Victoria.
Issues concerning seconded staff are managed by FRV as the employer, in consultation with the CFA, and consistent with obligations outlined in relevant enterprise agreements certified by the Fair Work Commission. 
The role of the Firefighters Registration Board is to set professional and capability standards and to determine, through qualification assessments, whether appropriate competency requirements have been satisfied, ensuring suitably qualified people are appointed to operational positions. 
This requirement provides safeguards and protection for the community and firefighters, both volunteer and career, and FRV prides itself on always putting the safety of the community and firefighters first.  
In Victoria, as has always been the case, co-located sites continue to be occupied by career and volunteer firefighters, who work together to deliver the best possible fire and rescue service to maximise community safety. 
-  ENDS - 
