Truck fire in Airport West work yard

Approximately 19 firefighters responded to a truck fire in Airport West on Saturday afternoon.

Saturday 5 June 2021 at 4:25 am

FRV firefighters were called to the King Street incident at 1:00pm after multiple callers to Triple Zero (000) reported a truck parked in a work yard was on fire.

Firefighters arrived on scene in five minutes to find the truck fully alight, and threatening to spread to other vehicles.

Wearing breathing apparatus, crews attacked the fire on several fronts, suppressing it until they were able to fully extinguish the blaze.

Firefighters declared the fire under control eight minutes after first arriving on scene.

A shipping container was also damaged by the fire.

FRV is working to determine the cause, but it has not been deemed suspicious.

No injuries were reported and Victoria Police directed traffic on scene.
