A working smoke alarm alerts family

Saturday 28 October 2023 at 5:05 am

Multiple 000 calls were received for black smoke issuing from the roof of the two-storey unit in Type Street at Richmond.

Additional fire trucks responded with the first crews arriving in under five minutes. 

The family of four had safely evacuated their home in response to their working smoke alarms alerting them. 

The rear half of the unit was well alight with two properties threatened by the fire. 

FRV Firefighters evacuated a 12-year-old boy from a threatened nearby home. 

Paramedics checked all evacuees for possible smoke inhalation. 

The fire was under control in 40 minutes. 

Commander Chris Ward has praised the FRV Firefighters for stopping the spread of fire into nearby properties and containing the fire to the rear. 

The family will be sourcing alternative accommodation. 

FRV specialist Fire Investigators will be attending this afternoon to determine the cause of the fire.
