No ordinary job

Firefighter recruitment

Firefighting is an extraordinary career that attracts people from diverse backgrounds with a genuine desire to serve their community.

There are career pathways, regardless of your previous experience or background. Worldclass training is provided to every firefighter and FRV trains people in specialist roles.

To learn more and and apply visit our recruitment website.


Applications are open for seven days from 12pm (midday) Monday 1 July 2024 to 12pm (midday) Monday 8 July 2024.

Download recruitment resources

FRV has made the following resources freely available for you to use within your own social media.

Many supporting community groups and sports clubs promote firefighting as a career to their own members.

FRV has enormous respect and is greatly appreciative of those organisations which see the merit and value in having firefighters in their own community and choose to promote firefighting as a career.

Stakeholder Pack - Firefighter recruitment
PDF 3.94 MB
(opens in a new window)

Images for your social media posts

Choose from 18 different images to use on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, X and other platforms

ALL social media images including information sessions
zip 56.2 MB
(opens in a new window)

For example:

View all social media images


Share details for these events with your organisations' members. Registrations are essential.

Firefighter Recruitment Information Session

Mildura fire station

Monday, 17 June 2024
6.30 – 8pm


Women in Firefighting Information Session 1 – Online

Thursday, 20 June 2024
6.30 – 8pm


Women in Firefighting Information Session 2 – Online

Sunday, 23 June 2024
10am – 11.30am


Firefighter Recruitment Information Session

Morwell fire station

Monday, 24 June 2024
6.30 – 8pm

