BESS Battery background

Battery safety for industry

Large scale battery energy storage systems (BESS)

This information is intended for industry and relates to large scale battery energy storage systems (BESS) which are:

  • greater than 1 MWh
  • large-scale renewable energy systems greater than a size consistent with the currently published guidelines (see guideline links below).

If you are looking for battery fire safety information for consumers, such as information about safe charging of phones, power-tools, e-bikes and scooters, see Battery Safety for Consumers.

We provide advice to industry on large-scale renewable energy systems. This is only required where it has been mandated by legislation, or the Fire Rescue Commissioner’s advice has been made a condition of an approval process.

There are no specific technical reference documents that apply to the entire state of Victoria for submissions to FRV about proposed large-scale renewable energy systems and technologies.

Consequently, FRV has adopted the following guidelines published by the Country Fire Authority (CFA) and the New South Wales Government in conducting its review of current submissions.

When seeking the Fire Rescue Commissioner’s written advice, it is essential applications are accompanied by a documented fire safety study (FSS). An FSS must be structured in a manner that is consistent with the HIPAP 2 Guideline.

Detailed compliance checks against the three internationally referenced technical standards identified below, are also expected to be made and accompany an FSS.

  • NFPA 855: 2023 Standard for the Installation of Stationary Energy Storage Systems
  • UL 9540: Energy Storage System Requirements
  • FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 5-33 Electrical Energy Storage Systems

Submissions we receive which seek the Fire Rescue Commissioner’s written advice must be accompanied by an Application Form (FRV will make the form available in August 2024) and will incur fees and charges in accordance with Regulation 21 of the Fire Rescue Victoria (General) Regulations 2020.

Neighbourhood Batteries

Neighbourhood-scale or community BESS range from approximately 100kW to 5MW and are connected to a section of the electricity distribution network operating with a nominal voltage not exceeding 66,000 volts.

FRV have available a safety guidline that should be utilised for Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) including Neighbourhood Batteries:

GL-54 Fire Safety Study (Final Version) 240724
PDF 255.19 KB
(opens in a new window)

These guidelines provide details regarding appropriate Fire Safety Studies including engagement with appropriately qualified engineers to undertake such studies.

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DECCA) are the lead Victorian Government agency responsible for energy and provide a range of information and resources at Neighbourhood batteries ( and enquires can be made to
