Patient Records

FRV is required to provide a collection notice when we collect personal information.


FRV is required to provide a collection notice to you when we collect your personal information or as soon as possible after we collect it. Often, we collect your personal information when we are providing you with emergency medical care so it is not possible (nor reasonable) for us to provide notice at that time. As such, we publish this as our collection notice to you.

This notice will set out all the information which is required in a collection notice such as:

  • The purpose for which we collect your information
  • How we collect your personal and health information
  • Information we may collect
  • How we use or to whom we disclose your information
  • How to contact our organisation
  • That you can gain access to the information we hold about you


FRV collects and uses personal and health information provided to us about our patients. We collect and use this information to provide emergency medical response (EMR) to patients.

We may collect information directly from you, or from a third party (such as a bystander, family member, health care professional or other emergency service) if you are unable to provide this information or where we need to obtain this information about you. If we collect your personal or health information from a third party, we may also collect their personal information if necessary to provide and administer our services. The information collected is entered into a ‘patient care record’ (PCR) r on a device which is uploaded to an app called Safety Culture.

Personal and health information we may collect:

  • Name, date of birth, contact information, such as email, postal and residential address or phone;
  • Examination and treatment information as well as physical information about you, such as your age, weight, gender and/or ethnicity;
  • Medical history, conditions, medications, allergies or information relating to your health and prior care;
  • Your location, including details of the scene (such as details of family members, attending third parties and/or social situations); and
  • Transportation information, including the time and method of transport.


Why we collect and use personal and health information

FRV primarily collects and uses this personal and health information from or about you for the purpose of providing you with emergency medical care.

Where your personal or health information is used for another purpose, we will get your consent unless we are allowed to use your personal or health information for another purpose pursuant to law.

For example, may use your personal and health information to:

  • Provide services to determine the most appropriate services for you;
  • Liaise with other emergency services organisations;
  • Meet occupational health and safety obligations, including to ensure the safety of FRV employees, bystanders and patients;
  • Log personal and health information PCR on the Safety Culture app;
  • Undertake reviews and investigate incidents, for the purposes of quality and improvement, or as required under law (i.e., for coroner cases, or to undertake our statutory duty of candour obligations), and
  • Answer your queries, communicate with you and investigate and respond to your complaint or compliment.

How your information will be used

The information FRV receives when responding to an EMR event will be used to treat the patient. The information collected is entered into the PCR on a device via the Safety Culture application. Individual records are created for each PCR. A copy of the completed PCR is submitted to Ambulance Victoria to continue with your care.

The Safety Culture application used for PCR’s is a database that records information relating to an incident. This information will assist with the care that the patient receives. Once the data is submitted on the Safety Culture application, the information is then deleted automatically from the device and can only be accessed by the relevant FRV Personnel and Ambulance Victoria. PDF digital reports are automatically created and sent to Ambulance Victoria’s EMR department for clinical review and ongoing patient care. Further information about Safety Culture and its approach to privacy is available on its website at:

Contact us

You may request access to, or correction of, documents that contain your health information which may be in our possession. At times, this may need to occur through the FOI Act. For information on how to make a request under the FOI Act, please see:

FRV’s privacy policy is available at:

If you would like further information about whether FRV assisted you in an EMR event, or whether your information is held by FRV another emergency service, such as Ambulance Victoria please contact us on:

You can also contact Ambulance Victoria directly or view their Privacy policy here.
