Large fire at Broadmeadows tyre plant

Sunday 1 August 2021 at 5:41 am

More than 35 FRV firefighters responded to a fire at a tyre recycling plant in Broadmeadows on Sunday afternoon.

Crews arrived at the Maygar Boulevard scene just before 1.25pm.

Upon arrival, firefighters found a 20 metre by 50 metre pile of tyres was well alight, and issuing a significant amount of smoke.

Winds posed additional challenges, spreading the fire further.

Crews immediately escalated the response.

Firefighters aggressively attacked the fire, including by using an aerial appliance to attack it from above and bulk hose and foam resources.

The scene was brought under control at 2.25pm.

FRV’s hazmat specialists are on site conducting atmospheric monitoring.

Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (drones) have been deployed to undertake thermal imagining and identify any remaining hot spots.

FRV’s fire investigators will investigate the cause of the fire.

Ambulance Victoria paramedics also attended the scene, as well as Victoria Police, who undertook traffic management.

An advice warning was issued for surrounding suburbs, with people advised to close all windows and stay indoors due to smoke.
