FRV tackles Boronia house fire

Monday 3 March 2025 at 4:50 pm

Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) crews responded to a house on fire at Gertonia Avenue, Boronia this afternoon following multiple calls to Triple Zero (000).

Crews arrived on scene within 3 minutes to find a single weatherboard house well alight, so additional resources were called for.

FRV crews donned breathing apparatus and used multiple hoselines to attack the fire in the front section and roof space of the house.

The fire was deemed under control at 3.29pm, 17 minutes after FRV arrived on scene.

The front half of the home has been extensively damaged in the fire.

The cause of the fire is not yet determined but it will be investigated by FRV fire investigators.

A Community Advice message was issued for smoke in the area.

Firefighters will remain on scene for some time, to ensure the fire is fully extinguished.

CFA Firefighters, Victoria Police and Ambulance Victoria assisted firefighting operations on scene.
