Home fire prevention

Home fire prevention

A fire in your home can be devastating, even fatal.

Young children, older people, people with a disability and smokers are at a higher risk of being injured or not surviving a fire in their home.

There is a lot you can do to help prevent a fire from occurring in your home and to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Look out for fire hazards and keep your home fire safe.

Home Fire Safety Booklet

FRV's Home Fire Safety Booklet provides safety tips for people of all ages. The booklet is available in English and translated into a number of languages.

There is an Easy English version of the Home Fire Safety Booklet as well.

Home Fire Safety Booklet_Easy English
PDF 4.84 MB
(opens in a new window)

If you would like the Home Fire Safety Booklet in another format, contact FRV’s Community Resilience Department by emailing CommRes@frv.vic.gov.au.
