More Firefighters and Pumper Tanker for Wodonga

Fire Rescue Victoria has responded to the changing needs of the Wodonga community by providing an additional 20 firefighters at Wodonga Fire Station and a new Pumper Tanker vehicle.

Thursday 25 February 2021 at 9:00 pm

In what is a significant increase in resources for the region, the 20 firefighters will provide an additional four firefighting staff each shift for a total of 8 personnel on each shift.

Each additional crew of four staff will include two firefighters, a Leading Firefighter and a Station Officer.

FS76 (Wodonga) is a co-located facility with CFA and currently services a rapidly growing community. 

Fire Rescue Commissioner Ken Block welcomed the initiative at Wodonga Fire Station today.

“Fire Rescue Victoria is dedicated to giving regional Victorians the resources they deserve.”

“Wodonga is growing rapidly and it’s vitally important we meet the existing demand and plan for future growth”.

Wodonga has been identified as one of the fastest-growing municipalities in Victoria, which is experiencing significant demographic and infrastructure changes. Population growth is projected to increase by 32.02% by 2036.

Emergency calls have reflected this growth, increasing from 565 calls in 2017-18, to 618 calls in 2019-20. It is projected that the number of calls will continue to increase in line with population growth.

The additional crew will also utilise a new Pumper Tanker appliance, which is designed for urban and urban / rural interface firefighting.

Due to strategic planning the station will not require renovation or redesign. The five bay station includes a gym, kitchen and mess room, multipurpose room, office space and lounge.

Fire Rescue Commissioner Block concluded, “FRV is committed to providing the best possible service to Victorians, no matter where they live.”

“These additional resources will increase safety outcomes for Wodonga’s growing community and our firefighters, and both are my highest priority.”
