Port Melbourne fire deemed suspicious

Approximately 30 firefighters were called to Plummer Street in Port Melbourne just after 10:30pm, following a Triple Zero (000) call reporting an apartment fire.

Tuesday 22 September 2020 at 12:31 pm

FRV crews arrived on scene within four minutes, and located the fire in an eleventh floor apartment.

Firefighters also found two small fires in the ground floor of the building car park.

Fortunately, the sprinkler and fire alarm systems activated, helping to contain the fires and alerting residents to evacuate.

Firefighters extinguished the fires, then investigated all floors of the building to ensure the scene was made safe.

The incident was declared under control just over one hour after FRV crews arrived on scene.

At the height of the incident there were seven firefighting appliances being supported by three additional units at the scene.

Fortunately, no injuries were reported at the scene.

The incident is believed to be suspicious and the scene has been handed to Victoria police to investigate.
