- Published:
- Saturday 29 June 2024 at 11:08 am
28 June
At 7.56PM, Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) was called to Cape Neilson Road Portland after a caller, 6kms away, reported to Triple Zero (000) a possible wind turbine on fire near the light house.
Firefighters arrived on scene and confirmed a wind turbine at the base of Murrells Hill was on fire. Crews escalated the incident and called for an additional FRV arial pumper and three CFA tankers including a bulk water tanker.
Firefighters reported the fire was right at the top of the turbine, with 1 blade having already fallen off and the other 2 expected to follow.
Firefighting activities were considered ineffective, and the fire continued to burn and self-extinguish throughout the night. No external assets were threatened.
FRV deemed the fire Under Control at 11.05PM.
An FRV crew remained on the scene overnight.
29 June
At 9.37AM, FRV firefighters requested a CFA tanker attend the scene to extinguish a small grass fire.
FRV's State Fire Investigation Unit (SFIU), and the Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) (drones) team will attend the scene today, along with Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) and WorkSafe.
30 June
The State Fire Investigation Unit will facilitate a multiagency response to the investigation, which is expected to take a number of weeks due to the complexity of the scene and the necessity to ensure the safety of investigators.