The following application form relates to Part A2.2(4)(a) / A2G2(4)(a) of the Building Code of Australia / National Construction Code (Volume 1 & 2).
Please contact us if you cannot find the form or document you are looking for.
BCA - NCC A2.2(4)(a) - A2G2(4)(a) Application for Consultation(opens in a new window)PDF 158.96 KBThe following application forms and documents relate to Regulation 129 of the Building Regulations 2018.
Please contact us if you cannot find the form or document you are looking for.
Regulation 129(1) Application for Pre-129 Letter of Advice(opens in a new window)PDF 427.01 KBRegulation 129(1) Application for formal Report and Consent(opens in a new window)PDF 432.17 KBRegulation-129(1)-Proposed-Variations-Template(opens in a new window)Word 373.07 KBThe following application forms relate to Regulation 187 of the Building Regulations 2018.
Please contact us if you cannot find the form or document you are looking for.
Regulation 187(1)(a) and (b) Application for Report and Consent(opens in a new window)PDF 473 KBRegulation 187(1)(b) only Application for Report and Consent(opens in a new window)PDF 406.47 KBIn 2020, the Victorian Government Fire Services Reform package saw the formation of Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) on the 1st of July 2020.
As part of the formation of FRV, the Country Fire Authority (CFA) and FRV have signed a Service Level Deed Agreement which sees FRV provide services on behalf of CFA in relation to the built environment for the state of Victoria. These services include statutory service delivery under Victoria’s building legislative framework.
To enable FRV to meet its obligations under the Deed, recently, the Chief Officer of the CFA utilised powers under the CFA Act and the Building Act to delegate and authorise a number of FRV personnel to exercise the powers of the Chief Officer within the Country Area of Victoria for the purposes of the Building Act and Building Regulations
From 22 August 2022 on behalf of CFA, FRV is now wholly responsible for:
- Applications for Report and Consent pursuant to Building Regulation 129;
- Applications for Report and Consent pursuant to Building Regulation 187;
- Pre-applications pursuant to Building Regulation 129(1);
- Undertake reviews of Fire Engineering Briefs;
- Undertaking Consultation in regard to BCA Part A2.2(4)(a); and
- Undertaking necessary fire safety and ESM inspections across the state.
With the Chief Officer providing delegation and authorisation to FRV personnel this means that CFA no longer needs to sign off on work already undertaken by FRV staff on its behalf. This will improve the consistency of process and documentation across the state and the response times to applications.
FRV is currently updating templates and documentation to suit. Industry will see a change that all documentation for the above will be issued on FRV documentation.
Changes to statewide structural fire safety responsibilities(opens in a new window)PDF 136.4 KBFrom 3 August 2020, all applications for a fire protection report, requests for inspection and the review of fire engineering briefs will incur fees.
Fees will be charged at the rate of 10 fee units for the first hour and 2.5 fee units for each subsequent quarter hour or part thereof. One fee unit = $16.33 for the 2024/2025 financial year.
FRV Notice of Fixing Fees - Building Act 1993 (pdf)(opens in a new window)PDF 232.84 KBA consolidated fees and charges schedule for FRV Fire Safety and Built Environment activities is contained within the following document:
FRV Consolidated Fee Schedule - Fire Safety and Built Environment 2024-25(opens in a new window)PDF 120.86 KBThe following FRV bulletins relate to the building industry:
FRV Policy: Alterations and updates to designs and Fire Engineering Reports(opens in a new window)PDF 365.19 KBChanges to statewide structural fire safety responsibilities(opens in a new window)PDF 136.4 KBAdvisory Bulletin AS 2419.1(opens in a new window)PDF 217.45 KBFire activated retaining devices in Fire Doors(opens in a new window)PDF 201.41 KBPlease contact us if you have queries in regards to these bulletins.